Engineering Heritage Australia Bulletin - Series 1

From Engineering Heritage Australia

This first series of EHA Bulletins were published between January 2008 and December 2013. They supplemented and then replaced the original Newsletter Series and were then replaced by the publication of the EHA Magazine.

The copies that are available were provided by Miles Pierce in August 2023. Copies of Numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 33 and 43 are still being sought to enable a complete collection.

No. Link to Bulletin Table of Contents
050 December 2013 Farewell as Chair
Canberra Conference
Coming Conferences
John Monash Medal Winner
Colin Crisp Awards
“A Century of Canberra Engineering” by Keith Baker
Board meeting results
Retirement of Bill Jordan from the EHA National Board
Committee Reduction
EHA Copyright Issues
Obituary for Sir William (Bill) Tyree
A fleeting moment, not real bridge to past
Tank Stream Article
Windsor Bridge NSW
049 November 2013 Newcomen Summer Meeting: UK Trip Success
Newsletter Editor
November Canberra Conference and Board Meeting
Visit to Queen Street Mill - old mill, many stories
EPAC and Committee Reduction
Engineering Heritage Awards of Merit in Queensland
Removal of the Sydney Hammerhead Crane
Axe hangs over Nymboida power station
Reservoir gives up secrets of our colonial past
048 June/July 2013 Queen’s Birthday 2013 Honours for Engineers
May Meeting: EA Survey on Policies
Wheelers Bridge Marker Ceremony
French Comment
Hay Point No2 Coal Loading Jetty Award Ceremony
Narooma and the Bridge Opening
Gayndah Railway bridges
Japan Heritage
047 April/May 2013 EA Survey on Policies
Colin Crisp Award 2013: Call for Entries
Heritage Recognition Policy
Katoomba’s Scenic Railway reopens
046 March 2013 Convention 2014
Sydney Naval Dockyard Hammerhead Crane
Bridges and Roads of Myanmar
045 January/February 2013 Our New Newsletter Editor
November Board Meeting 2012
Interesting Construction System
National Engineering and Construction Museum
Plastics conversion into paving bricks
044 November/December 2012 Chairman’s Christmas Message
Engineers Australia National Convention: November 2014
Foreword to the EHA Heritage Recognition Guide 2012
George Barney: 150th Anniversary of his death
UK Heritage tour in July 2013 plus other attractions
042 August/September 2012 Proposed U K Engineering Heritage Tour – July 2013
A New Editor for the Newsletter of Engineering Heritage Australia
Archives and Records of Australia: Revered or Reviled
Australian Engineers by Henry Lawson
Burdekin Bridge Interpretive Panel, Marker and Governor’s Plaque
041 June/July 2012 Proposed U K Engineering Heritage Tour – July 2013
Second Call for a New Editor for the Newsletter of Engineering Heritage Australia
Report on NASA Carnarvon Tracking Station Ceremony
Ceremony Report for the Main Outfall Sewer, Canberra ACT, 28 April 2012
140th Anniversary of Joining the Overland Telegraph
040 April/May 2012 New trial format for the Newsletter
Call for a New Editor for the Newsletter of Engineering Heritage Australia
WA Standard Gauge Railway Engineering Heritage Recognition Ceremony
Geelong to Ballarat Railway Heritage Recognition Ceremonies
Digital Delights: An Engineering Romp across the Internet by Ian Bowie
Ruminations from the Chair
039 March 2012 Founding Fathers receive Awards of Merit for Engineering Heritage
Updated List of Awards of Merit
2010 John Monash Acceptance Speech by Michael Clarke
038 February 2012 Colin Crisp Awards 2011
New IPENZ Engineering Heritage Strategy
Proposed Name Change for EHA
Hobart Pre Conference Tour Report
Engineers Australia Policy Review
Tramways Book
037 January 2012 Hobart Transport Museum recognised
Grafton to Roma St Standard Rail Gauge Heritage Recognition
I Mech E Award Ceremony at Sydney’s PowerHouse Museum
EHA Meeting in Hobart November 17th November 2011
Erratum: Mt Margaret Powerstation
036 December 2011 Greetings from the new Chair
Congratulations to our previous Chair
Recent Hobart Conference
2011 John Monash Awarded to Christopher Martin
Comments on the Dublin Declaration
035 November 2011 Our Station - Flinders Street - Victorian Guest Speaker Program
Recognition for 6,600 year old Aboriginal hydraulic works
Yallourn Power Station - Heritage Recognition Ceremony
034 October 2011 New National Office Administrator
100 Year Book Project
Important Reminder
A Notable Interpretation Project - Correction
EHA Meeting in Hobart after the Conference
Interpretation Panel of the Month
032 August 2011 Developments on Graphic Design
Heritage Register on the EHA Web Page
Registration Training Session and EHA Board Meeting
RTA Wooden Bridge Proposal Document
Important Reminders
031 July 2011 Institution of Civil Engineers Telford Premium Award
Queensland Group names Library ‘The Whitmore Room’
Developments on Graphic Design
Important Reminders
Interpretation Panel of the Month
030 June 2011 Important Reminders
Engineering Heritage Conference in Hobart
EHA Meeting in Darwin
Interesting Interpretation Panels
029 April 2011 Colin Crisp Award 2011
Next EHA Newsletter (No.25)
Engineering Heritage and Conservation Guidelines
Interesting Interpretation Panels
028 April 2011 Progress on our collection of electronic versions of Heritage Recognition Sites
Next EHA Newsletter
Changes to Heritage Recognition Guide
Recent and Planned Heritage Recognition Ceremonies
Recent Interpretation Panels
027 February 2011 Railways and Speed Conference
Finding a “Working Title” for our 100 Year Project - THE RESULTS
Chair’s Wanderings - Back from East Timor
026 January 2011 Our Cities - Building a Productive, Sustainable and Liveable Future
Finding a “Working Title” for our 100 Year Project
Chair’s Wanderings
025 January 2011 Finding a “Working Title” for our 100 Year Project
Outcomes of Recent EHA Meeting
024 November 2010 Photograph of National Board
Outcomes of Recent EHA Meeting
023 October 2010 EHA Meeting in Canberra 19 November 2010
Engineering Heritage Conference 2011 - Hobart
Burdekin River Bridge Marking Ceremony - Queensland Governor’s Speech
022 October 2010 EHA Meeting in Canberra 19 November 2010
Mineral Exploration at Burra, South Australia
A Correction from Neil Hogg on Movable Cultural Heritage
Duke and Orr Dry Dock Pumping Station, Melbourne
021 July 2010 Engineering Heritage Tour to Egypt
Change of Date for Burdekin Bridge Marking Ceremony
Chair on Tour to Java
Melbourne to Bendigo Railway
020 July 2010 Umberumberka Waterworks - Friday 11 June
Humphrey Pumps Cobdogla - Sunday 13 June
Danger at Burra Cornish Mining Site
Maintenance of Bridges in Local Council Areas
019 June 2010 EHA National Broad Meeting - Adelaide 28 May
Adelaide Tour Following the National Board Meeting
Somerset Dam Marking Ceremony - 8 June
Upcoming Heritage Recognition Ceremonies
018 April 2010 Murtoa Stick Shed
017 April 2010 Upcoming Heritage Recognition Ceremonies
Collecting Electronic Nomination Documents
Change in Representative from South Australia
Change in Convenor for John Monash Medal
Dunedin Conference Papers
May National Board Meeting
016 March 2010 Upcoming Heritage Recognition Ceremonies
Collecting Nomination Documents
EHA Project for 100 Year Celebrations in 2019
Young Engineers Australia (YEA) Report
Dunedin Conference Papers
015 February 2010 Quiet January
Collecting Nomination Documents
EHA Project for 100 Year Celebrations in 2019
Interpretation Panel of the Month
014 January 2010 Dunedin Conference and Meetings
Colin Crisp Awards - Results
EHA Projects for 100 Year Celebrations in 2019
Interpretation Panel of the Month
013 November 2009 EHA Slogan
Strategic Plan Breakthrough
Consultants Tracker
Coming Marking Ceremonies
Award for NSW Heritage Branch
EHA Projects for 100 Year Celebrations in 2019
Interpretation Panel of the Month
Next News Bulletin
012 October 2009 “Outback & Beyond” Conference
Future Heritage Recognition Ceremonies
Consultants Tracker
Next EHA Newsletter
Warren Centre “Engineering Icons” Website
Interpretation Panel of the Month
011 September 2009 Perth Bridges Tour
Preparations for New Zealand
Next EHA Newsletter
Interpretation Panel of the Month
010 August 2009 Colin Crisp Award
Award of Merit for Robin Black
EHA Slogan
Dunedin Conference Gathers Momentum
Engineering Heritage Email Forum
Interpretation Panel of the Month
009 August 2009 Robin Black
008 July 2009 EHA Slogan
Dunedin Conference Gathers Momentum
Colin Crisp Award 2009 – Last Reminder
Engineering Heritage Email Forum
Grafton Interpretation Panel
007 June 2009 EHA National Board Next Meeting
Dunedin Pre-conference Tour Draft Itinerary
Colin Crisp Award 2009 - Reminder
006 December 2008 November EHA National Board Meeting
Goldfields Water Supply Receives ASCE Award
Heritage Recognition Ceremonies
New Email for Chair
001 January 2008 National Engineering Heritage Conference, Perth, November 2007
EHA National Board Meeting, Perth, 21-22 November 2007
Next EHA National Board Meeting, Melbourne 22-23 May 2008
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