Denison Bridge, Macquarie River, Bathurst

From Engineering Heritage Australia

The American Pratt trusses on this bridge were the first of their type in New South Wales, a break from contemporary British technology. The innovative design of the bridge was prepared in 1865 by Public Works Department engineer Gustavus Morell. Construction was by P N Russell and Company and took place during 1868-70.

The structure proved the capabilities of colonial engineering skills and provided access from Bathurst and western districts for 123 years.

The bridge has been replaced by a new bridge on a different alignment, however the 1870 bridge has been preserved.

Denison Bridge.

The original plaque recording the makers.
The Engineers Australia plaque as originally fixed to the bridge.
The Department of Main Roads/NRMA plaque on the bridge.
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Denison Bridge location map.

Engineering Heritage Recognition Program

Marker Type Historic Engineering Marker (HEM)
Award Date 5 November 1995
Heritage Significance This was the first American Pratt truss in New South Wales at a time dominated by British technology.
Nomination Document Available here.
Ceremony Booklet Available here.
Interpretation Panel None Installed.
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