Narrows Bridge

From Engineering Heritage Australia

The construction of the Narrows Bridge followed discussions between the Town Planning Consultant and the Commissioner of Main Roads (J. D. Leach) in 1953.

Site investigations, which included surveys and test borings, were undertaken by the Main Roads Department at an early date thereafter, and in September 1955, following investigations overseas by the Departments Bridge Engineer (E. W. C. Godfrey), Maunsell and Partners of London were appointed as consultants to the project. The Consultants exercised full control of the work, including the preparation of all documents, plans and site supervision.

The Contract, awarded under tender, was placed with Christiani and Nielsen of Denmark in association with J. O. Clough and Son of Perth on 12th March 1957.

The bridge reached substantial completion in September 1959, and was opened to traffic on 13th November 1959.
(extract from The Narrows Bridge souvenir booklet by Main Roads Western Australia)

Narrows Bridge and South Perth
Under Construction
Source: Don Young
Under Construction
Source: Don Young
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Engineering Heritage Recognition Program

Marker Type National Engineering Landmark (NEL)
Award Date 19 November 1999
Heritage Significance At its opening in 1959, the Narrows Bridge was the largest precast, prestressed concrete continuous beam bridge in the world. The centre span of 320 feet was the longest of its type in Australia and one of the largest in the world at its opening. It was the first bridge in Australia to use a segmental method of construction and the first to use external prestressing cables. Its engineering design successfully overcame major geotechnical problems with a great depth of laterally moving soils, while also meeting the requirements for an aesthetic slim line bridge in this critical location.
Nomination Document Available here. (27.8 MB)
Ceremony Booklet
Ceremony Report
Ceremony Program available here.
Ceremony Report available here.
Plaque/Interpretation Panel

A description of the history, statistics, quantities, design, construction and legacy of the Narrows Bridge is available from Narrows Bridge - History, Statistics and Construction
Details of the construction with high resolution drawings and photographs
Brief Story of Road Bridge Duplication in 1999-2001
Brief Story of Rail Bridge Construction Between Road Bridges in 2005

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