Air Transport

From Engineering Heritage Australia

A series of webpages providing information on the history of aviation in Western Australia has been written by John Pritchard. These pages are available through the 'Outback Family History' website developed by Moya Sharpe. The series is titled Aviation Pioneers of the Outback of WA.

Part 1 was published June 27, 2020 and is titled Aviation Pioneers of Outback Western Australia – First Sixty Years by John Pritchard – Part 1.

Part 2 was published on July 4, 2020 and provides information on MacRoberston Miller Aviation Co, Airlines (WA) Ltd, Goldfields Airways and Connellan Airways Pty Ltd.

Part 3 (Final) was published on July 18, 2020 and provides information on Airways, Woods Airways, Chart air, Avior Pty Ltd, Civil Flying Services, Murchison Air services, Ord Air Charter, Skywest and Transwest.

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